Slightly modified from the version on the old NWCW website (Tuesday 8/14/01, sometime when Frasier was on in the other room. I hate that show)Modified (Monday June 11, 2001, early morning) from the late KSW website
This is a strat that I so graciously stole from KSW, who stole it from the late BSW :). All with permission, of course. I'm sure BSW stole it from someone. I never would consider using anything but the old BSW template for my own strat template. Bless you, BSW.
Anyway just fill out anything that is available for your match. Also entrances are very important because they save me, and the match writer, a lot of time. You might choose to copy and paste this when you send a strat, but for god's sake don't copy and paste the "Table of Contents" part. Also please please please just cut-n-paste into an email. No attachments because they don't always work. If one of our email programs decides the formatting isn't important and I end up not being able to read it, I will let you know and then you can send me an attachment of it. Thanks.
When you send in the strat, make sure the title of the email tells me it's a strat and what character it's for. And make sure
to send it to ductape18@aol.com.
1. Heading
2. Match Overview
3. Mindset
4. Match Strategy
5. Moves
6. Ring Entrance
7. Angling
8. Interference
9. After Match
10. Interviews
11. Sneak Attacks
12. Spots
[ 1. HEADING ]
Wrestler's Name:
A match overview is basically any information the writer needs to know.
Such as the past between the wrestlers in the match.
[ 3. MINDSET ]
This will describe the type of mindset your character is in.
It will say how he feels about the match, and what he believes his odds
are. Injuries, if any, need mention here.
This explains to the writer what your character will try to do throughout
the matchup, to get him on top, whether it be mental or physical.
[ 5. MOVES ]
Under moves you should list 10-20 wrestling moves your wrestler will
do to help him win this match (or lose it if that's what you prefer. I kid. I kid because I love.). Some divide it up into "early
match," "late match," "My butt is hurting," or whatever the same rapier wits that came up with "I'm gonna break your neck" roleplays came up with. Just don't go crazy.
This just may be the most important thing to include in your strategy.
Right here, you create a ring entrance using the event's commentators.
You must put it in a form in which we can copy/paste it onto the card.
Watch CLOSELY the card previews! We've put cards in some strange
places before, and no doubt will continue to.
[ 7. ANGLING ]
This will include any sort of angling or story lines between the wrestlers. Try to explain in detail. Just not too much detail. =)
This will include how your wrestler will react to certain interferences, whether it be from fans, security, or a wrestler.
This will include what your wrestler will do after the match if he
wins, after the match if he loses, and after the match if it's a draw.
It's not that important, and if you don't have anything specific in mind, you don't even need to bother with this section.
Under this subject you should put any sort of interviews or other segments your wrestler
has prior or after his match. It could be in the locker room, in
the ring, in the crowd, taped earlier in the day, whatever.
If you were going to sneak attack another wrestler, you would include
in here. You must make it in copy/paste form including the names
of the commentators.
[ 12. SPOTS ]
This is probably the second most important thing in a strat.
Spots are used for you to get your wrestler to do certain actions, like
moves, posing, or brawling. In spots you must also abide by the copy/
paste law. As usual you use the commentators names, and make sure
the writer can copy/paste it onto the match. Spots that aren't written in cut/paste format don't help too much. Spots mean a lot in
your strat. You may have anywhere from 2-10 spots. Obviously,
logic would say, for longer spots, you usually use less, and for more spots,
you usually want shorter spots. Again, keep the arena setting in
mind. If you know the writer for the match, you may even be able
to keep his or her writing style in mind.
Spots are great for working in special moves and combinations, mentioning or developing angles, dropping in a funny line you want to see, showing exactly how you think commentators should act towards your character, and even dropping in a rare "did you know" fact about your wrestler! More versatile then cheese!
Finally, return to . . . 103 Hudson Street, Suite 1502, Jersey City, NJ 07302...also known as NWCW'S HOME [I know for a fact there is nothing at that address, don't bother writing to it]