How NWCW Got Its Groove Back

So how is it that NWCW got here, and why is it that the here we call here is here, and why is NWCW here and I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together?

See how they run like pigs from a gun...oh, sorry. I got a little mixed up there. Anyway, remember New Wave Chicago Wrestling? Well, it existed. I swear. Anyway, NWCW mysteriously closed its doors at the end of June, 2001. Looking to cut his losses, then President Eric Bold bet $750,000 he didn't have on an Arena Football game. He placed the bet with none other than Patrick Francis Xavier McAulderstance, known to his friends as Patty, and to NWCW double champion Jurgen Hosenmacher and NWCW's fans as Fatty McButterpants.

Bold lost. Everyone loses when they bet with Fatty, it seems. Unable to pay, he offered the slovenly Irishman control of NWCW instead. On the surface it seemed stupid for everyone's favorite bookie/manager to take the reins of a closed wrestling promotion. But while tagging along on a business trip with Hosenmacher to New York around the same time the fed closed, Fatty had discovered two interesting patterns in New York:

#1 Many people in the cities and towns just outside New York dislike the city itself and anything connected with it.

#2 The New York area can support what seems to be an excesss of anything...sports teams, airports, mafia-backed construction companies...anything.

So with that in mind, Fatty had seen a golden opportunity. As soon as he got control of the fed, he rented an office in a high-rise in Jersey City, NJ, overlooking lower Manhattan. He called it "New Westchester County Wrestling" just to preserve the NWCW title, and decided to keep calling the weekly show Friday Night Lightning.

That all seems well and good, although a few questions remain. Why, for example, would Fatty name his fed after a place other than where its offices were? Why should the initials NWCW be so important to him? And furthermore, what made him decide to keep the "Friday Night Lightning" title...knowing him, you might think he would try to make his presence more clearly felt. And there's still the biggest question of all. Why did NWCW close in the first place? It had seemed fairly healthy but it just up and closed. Why?

These questions will hopefully be answered on upcoming editions of...