Patrick F.X. McAulderstance (aka Fatty McButterpants) Fatty is 5'5", 275 pounds, and bald. He has a little white hair near his ears. He is a weasely, conniving, diabolical man not to be trusted. Or in other words, he's a former bookie.
He won NWCW in a bet from Eric Bold and put himself in charge. He saw that Bold ran the fed well and he'll stick to a similar style. But money is all this man understands, and he might be willing to sacrifice quality to make money.
Commissioner : Gordy McKenzie McKenzie, oddly enough, is the perfect stereotype of a man from Canada. Interjecting all his sentences with "eh's" and calling people hosers and/or suggesting they take off, he looks, acts, and sounds like the exact image Canada would prefer not to have.
Short and stocky with perpetual 5 o'clock shadow [looking a bit like Fred Flintstone perhaps], he's not the most athletic but years of amateur hockey have given him more fighting experience than 2/3 of his wrestlers. He has never booked for a wrestling fed before, but he's a longtime wrestling fan and he has some idea of what makes a good card.
Head of security: Big Al Not a former wrestler like most feds' security guys, but probably tougher and definitely meaner. He has been one of Fatty's "Associates" for years, and if needs be he's great with a crowbar or a sack of doorknobs.
Head Referee: Harvey Wallbanger Bartender by day, wahsed up KSW wrestler by night. He lived and worked in Alaska while KSW was in business, but set out wandering the nation's highways when it folded. A logical progression from his old day job, where he was forced to keep the peace among tanked Alaskans. If things get really ugly, he might use his trusty baseball bat, the Peacemakerâ„¢, to keep people in line.
Referees: Tim Sawicky, Shawn Boord, Keith Louis -- Rumored to be associates of Doc Vegas and Ravishing Randy Hiliebrant.
Announce Team #1...on Saturday Night Fightin'
Color commentary : (heel) Ravishing Randy Hiliebrant -- Arrogant as hell. Does. Not. Like. Anyone. Always arguing and fighting over the smallest of details. He's a redhead, curly short hair, with bad temper to match, and stark, cold green eyes. Not much of a sense of humor. No one's sure why he's on board. Some would say some unsavory connections. He also calls the obligatory replay of the match's finish and highlights, with his standard gruff, business like voice.
Play by play: (face) Doc Vegas -- Confident, intelligent young man with good knowledge on the wrestling business, and the wrestlers in the ring. Of course, he tends to be lost when a new face shows up. His knowledge of wrestling is admittedly recent, but he's smart enough to sit down and learn what he needs to know (and then some) about the wrestlers he needs to know anything at all about. He's usually responsible for thinking of a rare factlet or two for Lisa to toss in during a lull in the match.
Announce Team #2...on Wednesd-eh Night
Play-by-Play(Heel): Giovanni Benedetto Not Italian despite his name, he is most aptly described as a jerk. Heelish in his love of cheating. Always in a good mood until someone disagrees with him, at which point he will most likely just start calling the person who disagrees with him something along the lines of "manwhore." Giovanni is the type of person that you wish something heavy would fall on. Repeatedly. Nothing means anything to this man except money, alcohol, and doing a half-ass job whenever possible.
Color commentary: (face) Ryan Grusenski A former NWCW Just for the Hell of it loser, in a memorable match against the Two Adjacent Lockers, everyone's favorite manic-depressive high school student comes on board as an announcer on a recommendation from Jurgen Hosenmacher, who he replaces. Jurgen left to resume his wrestling career. [OOC: Some tips for writing him, since he is after all based on a real person...
-Make up your own reasons for his being manic depressive. Be creative.
-He likes to use big words, and will often begin laughing hysterically if one of the big words sounds funny. If this happens, he is likely to use the same big word over and over and over again, often completely out of context.
-He is a face but not to Vegas's extent.
-As you may recall from his JFTHOI match with the Lockers, he's usually even-keeled but occasionally something will piss him off, at which point he loses all touch with sanity. For example, breaking everything in sight so as to kill a fly that landed on his sandwich by spraying said fly with generic windex.]
[Back IC] Speculation is he won't last long.
Ring Announcer Dan McDowell --If there's one thing this guy is good at, it's being loud. At age 65 he's one of the older ring announcers you'll see, but he gets the job done. Fatty discovered Dan's extreme talent when it comes to loudness after he sat on Dan's bumper to tie his shoes. Dan, who loves his car, a 1989 Yugo, didn't want 275 lbs. of overweight bookie sitting on his bumper and a loud confrontation ensued. One thing led to another and now McDowell is NWCW's ring announcer.
Backstage Interviewer Leo Byrkeskowfski--a former professional cyclist whose career was cut short when he managed to crash his stationary bike into a Citroen that was passing outside the gym in Paris where he was working out for the Tour de France. He was unhurt, but the driver offered him some champagne to make up for the incident. Leo had never been much of a drinker before, but that one glass of champagne changed that, starting him down the road to career-ending alcoholism. Fatty, it was later revealed, had sabotaged that stationary bike as part of a huge gambling ring that wanted to make sure Byrkeskowfski wasn't in the race. To avoid a lawsuit, he offered Leo this job. Like a lot of the staff, he's completely unqualified and sometimes ends up answering questions asked by the wrestlers he's supposed to interview.