NWCW Arenas

Here you will find descriptions of some of the facilities NWCW most often uses to stage its events. This should be helpful in deciding what kind of entrance, etc. your character will use, depending on where the match will be taking place.

Westchester County Center

Located at the junction of the Bronx River Parkway, Central Avenue and Tarrytown Road in White Plains, this is the facility where most NWCW events will be held.
As the County Center's website describes it, the Center "has been the prime setting for thousands of concerts, trade shows, sports events, meetings, seminars, theatrical presentations and conventions. Built and tastefully decorated in the classic Art Deco architectural style and outfitted with modern, state-of-the-art facilities, the County Center consistently delivers a high level of customer satisfaction. As a result, the Center continues to attract repeat business year after year and as many as a million people annually."
No doubt the patronage of NWCW and its fans will boost the budget and attendance figures.
There are several facilities on site, but NWCW will use the main Auditorium, a huge 28,000 square foot room with 4400 permanent seats and 5,000 temporary ones brought in by NWCW without permission or approval from the management or the fire marshal.

Nassau Veterans' Memorial Coliseum

The Nassau Coliseum, built in 1972, can seat up to 18,000 in its hockey layout or its full wrestling layout, as used by bigger promotions like LCW, which closes several upper level and lower level sections while adding floor seats. NWCW's layout is smaller, with an additional two sections closed in the upper level and the folding-chair floor seats placed farther apart, allowing more space and comfort for the people who can afford floor seats while leaving the masses upstairs both cramped and trying to see around the arena's infamous obstructions such as pipes and columns. NWCW's seating layout in the arena allows 13,518 wrestling fans to witness the action. Since that's 4,000 seats more than are found at NWCW's usual home in the Westchester County center, events that are expected to draw bigger crowds are scheduled at the Coliseum.

NJ Nostalgia Hobby

From the biggest to the smallest. NWCW looks back on one of its greatest shows in Chicago, which was held in the basement of Jurgen Hosenmacher's pants shop, by occasionally holding Friday Night Lightning in the basement of this small hobby shop in Scotch Plains, NJ. One problem: Friday night is also when the owner, Joe (above), holds races in the shop. So the regular customers who participate in the races will often cause plaster to fall from the basement ceiling by jumping up and down in frustration when they lose.
The basement ceiling is only 9 feet high and so the ring is set up right on the floor. There is no such thing as "under the ring" etc. here. No pyro and no big screen in the basement, either. Entrance to the basement is from a steel door in the sidewalk beind the shop which leads to concrete steps. For safety reasons only 35 people can enter the basement. A big screen is set up in the small park across the street, next to the police station, and most of the fans are relagated to sitting there to watch. The sound system in the basement consists of a boom box.

NWCW uses other locations as well, including various high school gyms, armories, and colleges throughout the tri-state area. Make sure to read the lineups carefully, since other locations might bring in a whole new set of implications!